Join me for a Live Facebook Conversation Aug 27!

Join me for a lively conversation with Launch Your Fempire, the premier “Idea To Launch” Incubator this Tuesday, August 27th at 1:30pm HST (4:30pm PST).

LYF is a business leadership community for women, and I can't wait to connect with them about Therapeutic Connection Physical Therapy practice and how I am healing the world one body at a time!

You can join us LIVE for the interview with LYF Founder/CEO Aesha Shapiro on the Fempreneur Raw Talk Show!

Tuesday, August 27th at 1:30 PM HST | 4:30 PM PT

There are a couple of ways to tune in for my talk:

You can join the group where the event will be live-streamed.

Or hop on Zoom with us! Here's the Zoom details for joining the Live:

Meeting ID: 770 992 9463

If you can’t make it to the Live Facebook / Zoom Event, I’ll also be posting the full video on my website afterwards.

I’m excited to share more about the kinds of Clients I work with, and some of the results my Clients are having with Therapeutic Connection Physical Therapy. Tune in live on Zoom or Facebook and please bring your questions!

Your body will thank you !


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