Sitting is the New Smoking – Make Your Chair Your Gym

Do you sit too much? Chances are, you do! If you are not getting up every 20 to 30 minutes or less you are sitting too much!  Sitting is the new smoking! It’s hazardous to your HEALTH!

Our human bodies are not designed to sit! We are designed to move! All of our tissues rely on movement in order to thrive! When we deprive them of movement, they are getting robbed of their nourishment. Muscles, nerves, fascia (our connective tissue covering and within our internal structures) …all rely on movement for their tissue health!  Check out my newsletter “Un-do from your day!” for more details about the importance of FREQUENT movement for our bodies.  

But, you are not doomed if you are guilty of sitting too much… all hope is not lost…you can do some simple things to relieve the negative consequences of sitting!  Easily! And, for many of them, you don't even have to get up from your chair!  I’m going to share my top 3 with you today! Plus, they feel good, try them out: 

Sitting exercise regimen:  If any of these hurt, don't do them!  I know of a great Physical Therapy to help you!  These three exercises can be viewed below and on my YouTube channel :

  • Sitting cat/cow : While seated, put hands together and reach between feet. Release hands and push against inner legs with outer arms. Rising one vertebra at a time on the way up. This stretch feels especially good sitting in your car, as long as you’re not driving!

  • Sunflower Exercise : Place your hands together as if in a traditional prayer style (or thank you emoji style) with hands together in front of your chest, then, raise them towards the sky together, next, turn your palms to the sky, then, bring your arms down to your sides while diving your elbows towards your hips with your palms facing out,then return your hands together in front of you as you started.  This is a great resetting exercise for your upper body to come back in balance and it FEELS GOOD!  Do it often!!

  • MOVE ! : And of course there is the option to get up and move…walk, stretch, wiggle, dance…whatever MOVES you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try it out, report back…I bet you will find these feel GREAT!  Rejuvenating!  But if it hurts, that is a sign of “breakdown” somewhere and you may need a tune-up or some healing time!  Be sure to check in with me if the pain doesn’t go away after a break of a few weeks, or if it's already been there a while!  

Suffering through pain is not a normal part of human life!  Make sure you try to recover the pain-free you before accepting the pain-ful you!  

Too many of us have been told by members of the medical community, even by Physical Therapists, that you just have to find ways to live with it! Perhaps, you were told by a Doctor that Physical Therapy doesn’t HELP! 

I have spent my career, and especially the last nine months perfecting effective techniques that have drastically improved my outcomes both for myself and my patients! 

There is so much healing that can come about for any body, no matter what stage in life you are in, when you learn the right treatment techniques! Since we are all unique, every treatment program needs to be individualized and tailored to your needs!  Come experience the difference that the Silan System can make for your journey back to doing what moves you!


Join me for a Live Facebook Conversation Aug 27!


Upper Back Bliss: DIY Self-Mobilization for Your Thoracic Spine